Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dear Group 2

Hello to all my friends at Group 2,

It's been a long time since I've updated this blog since I've left for Group 1.
We are on our 2nd last CP and 1 more semester to go before we go our separate ways.

I do hope that all of you will continue to come to read this blog and update it. I may have gone to another group but the Group 2 will always have a special place in my memory.

With so many recent changes and the leaving of most of the teachers that used to teach 0801, I think its good to add more details and invite the new mentor in to Group 2.
Continue to maintain the unity and fun that Group 2 always had before!

I have invited Mr Sam and Ms Nadia to post in this blog. I will try to add more pictures of the activities that you are having now.

Stay strong, Group 2. You are the best and never let anyone tell you otherwise!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Last Report to Pass

Dear Group 2,

So much things had happened these past few months that everything went by in a blur. This is my last report here as one of this group's member but as a friend, I will always be here.

I will like to thank Mr Tan, Ms Adeline, Ms Emily, Ms Liping and Ms Emma for the time that they spent with us and their efforts to guide and mould us in to what we are now. Without their guidance and inputs, we will never have been so united and strong as a group.

From the beginning, I was elected to be group leader, I was unsure and afraid of what I had to undertake at that time. But through the strong support from the whole group and cooperation among us, I was able to overcome these self-doubts and performed to the best of my ability as a leader.

I didn't make Group 2 to become better or much more, to the admiration of the others. Instead I will say that each and everyone of you made all these possible. The credit goes to all of you for your support and encouragement. You have made me better and I am grateful for that and I also hold fond memories of our bond as a group.

So although I have left Group 2, together with Zhan Jian and Yahoo, for Group 1, I will always remember everyone here in Group 2. I hope that Group 2 will still stay as strong and as great. You are all great leaders and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

With the experiences and memories of our group, I am now appointed as leader for Group 1. It may not be the same for me this time, as it is also different for members of Group 1. I will do my best and I will always hold special regards for Group 2 in my heart.

Thank you Group 2, mentors and friends!
See ya around!

Sincere Regards,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

best wishes

Dear students,
time to say best wishes and see u again.
May i send my apologies for leaving PC,
to me deep in my heart i really want to see
everyone of you walking up the stage receiving your
diploma. I can imagine i will be greatly touch to see that
moment. Coming to work in PC was never a mistake and make the
decision is not a mistake too, it is fate that allow me to cross your paths.
It is my pleasure and honor to know everyone of you.
My desire for everyone of you is to be a nurse with a calling. Some may not
end up to be a nurse eventually , but learning to be a nurse is an
interesting journey , and it comprises not only gaining knowledge but it is also
life changing career.
I know all of you can make it to pass to be an RN, my prayer is that
your path being a nurse , will be an enriching experience that when all of you
grow old sitting on the rocking chair thinking back that how much you
have contribute into healthcare , how many lives have you touch,
Take care my dear students, all the best.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Dear School...

Dear School,

We can remember the first day when we first started our journey to be nurses. Such a wonderful day, filled with hopes and aspirations. We have came from different backgrounds and had various life experiences individually but as a whole, we are driven by the passion to be what we are going to be.

Giddy with excitement about upcoming things that we will learn and experience, we are filled with a sense of purpose. For most of us, it was another chance after all those dead ends we had turned away from. We met our mentors, got our class schedules and made friends. The first days were tough. You are still expanding then so we accept it as best as we could. We saw the potential in you and we put faith in the fact that some day, you will be so much more than we expected. Inside small classrooms, great things were taught.

We were taught the mapping of the human body, its functions and why we should know about these things. We were inspired to be better, to think differently and to ask those things that common people will not ask. We were told that integrity is important and that compassion follows everything we have to do for our future patients. We were told all that because as you said, " You are all going to be future nurses!".

We endured as best as we could through the toughest moments. No one said it will be easy but we were not expecting it to be so hard. But still we persevered. We were compared to others but all that we can say in reply is this: they did not walk the same path and at the same time that we did. The others may not be necessarily better just because they are better behaved or having better results. We are the first and the best. Try juggling night lessons with nursing classes in the day.

Despite the odds and fellow coursemates going away, we pressed on. Holding our heads high and believing that our passion will see us through. We hold in our hearts the fire that our past and present mentors ignited for us. The greatest of inspirations comes from those who wants to see us become competent nurses, even good nurses. We had this confidence that we will be greater than what you want us to be. Like we had said: we are the first of many, and the best of them all.

But even the sturdiest of hearts waver in these trying times.

Our past mentors. Each left for his/her own reasons. Whatever those reasons maybe, we will always wish them all the best and respect the choice that they have to make. We carried what they had taught us in our minds and hearts. But it is difficult.

We went to the wards and people asked: where are you from? We told them about you. We bear the your name and uphold it. But we could not help feeling so alone as each of you left. We were assured that we will not be abandoned and will be supported but as the days come and go, so does our mentors. We have to keep receiving news of so-and-so leaving, so-and-so coming in for a week and then leaving. We began to lose confidence. Not in you only but also in ourselves. For whatever challenges that you may have to face, can't it be worked out? Why is it so hard for you to keep everyone here?? It is not just one or two that went, it is so many and many of them matters a great deal to us.

We are still going to be nurses. We are still going to succeed. But we may become cynical. Its neither all your faults, nor our faults. It is just that circumstances have brought us to this point. How many to leave before we lose all faith and confidence? Everyone that leaves impacted us to a certain degree.

How are we, as children, be proud of parents that we don't even know well enough? When we are asked: "how's your School like?", how are we to answer?

Disheartened and shaken,
Your First Students...